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Loki Celebrates in Valhalla after a Hard but Beautiful Life

Posted on Wednesday, November 11th, 2020 at 10:03 pm

Loki Celebrates in Valhalla after a Hard but Beautiful Life

On Monday, Loki hopped himself all the way to the stream, insisting that I come on an adventure with him. In the moment, it felt like he was taking me for one more trek. Lately, he’d only go a few feet from the door. He’s passed the recent months lounging on the couch or in the sun.
This week, he was adamant that Alex and I stay within his line of sight, if not within paw’s reach, following us to the kitchen, bathroom, shower, and wherever we sat.
Friday, he repeatedly woke me from my pre-work nap as if to say, “stay home with me”. It was hard to leave, and I asked Alex to tell him I loved him after I drove away.
On my lunch break, Alex called to say that Loki’s legs suddenly gave out, and he was floppy. He couldn’t move without substantial help, or even really go to the bathroom. He seemed at least to have no sense of pain anymore. Over 3 years of life as a tripawd, an old history of Lyme disease, and over a decade of life in general, had left him with chronic discomfort that was only minimized by the few medications his sensitive body could tolerate.
I rushed home to be with my best friend. We slept snuggled in Loki’s favorite spot on the couch. In the morning, he ate two breakfasts like the king he was. Even Phineas, typically intolerant of his big brother, cuddled up one last time.
We didn’t want Loki to struggle in the car, or spend his final moments nervous, so hospice veterinarian Dr. Chan from Peaceful Paws LA came to our home without hesitation. Loki was excited to greet his visitor with some happy sniffs, and then settled into my lap for another nap. Dr. Chan put us all at ease, and helped give him the peaceful passing that he so deserved. Although I’m struggling to process life without him, I am relieved that we were able to give Loki the gift of comfort, dignity, and serenity at the end of his life.
After Loki’s death, we had a huge hail storm with thunder and lightning (in Southern California). I imagine he’s celebrating in Valhalla and already causing mischief in the universe. He took a piece of me with him, but he is alive within my heart and mind. I love and miss him more than words can express. The world won’t be the same without Loki, but he was ready to leave us.
Loki was the gentlest, kindest, and purely good soul I’ve ever known. I don’t know why he chose me, but I’m so grateful for every moment we shared in the almost nine years since we met at a small animal shelter in Connecticut. I promised I’d try my hardest to give him the best life, and I know he gave that to me and more.
We haven’t been active much on the forums over the years, but can’t express just how much this community has helped us in navigating Loki’s journey as a tripawd. Thank you to all of you who shared advice, products, experiences, or just reached out to check on Loki and cheer him on. Loki’s tripawd journey officially began on July 10th, 2017, and ended on Saturday, November 11th, 2020. However, we will forever be part of the Tripawds Community, and hope that Loki’s journey gives hope and inspiration to others who are just beginning the path of tripawd life, especially those with senior or big dogs.

With love,

Brittnie, Alex, Phineas, Callie, Figaro, Chia, Moo, and most of all, Spirit Loki

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10 Responses to “Loki Celebrates in Valhalla after a Hard but Beautiful Life”

  1. benny55 says:

    Loki, dear sweet precious Loki. The tears are falling tight bow. At the same time, Ismile at your wonderful pictures knowing you had the most loved earth life a dog could ever want.
    Im coming back in a bit, as too many tears right now …..

  2. wanderlustloki says:

    ❤❤❤❤❤ You are an amazing presence on this forum (and I’m sure in the real world too) and I am so thankful for you.

  3. jerry says:

    With tears streaming down my face, I read this post and just couldn’t believe it. Loki, gone? No, I refuse to believe. He is ALWAYS with us, causing mischief! That hailstorm is proof! We have no doubt that our Wyatt Ray put him up to it. Being another new kid at the Rainbow Bridge, Wyatt just had to show him the ropes 😉

    But dang it hurts to know that Lokis is an angel now. Our hearts ache for you.

    Brittney, Alex and of course Phineas, Callie, Figaro, Chia and Moo, we are so very sorry. What an amazing life you gave Loki, filled with so much love and care and the best times a pup could ever hope for. He was your destiny and you his. And the world will never be the same.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing him with us, it has been our honor. And we are so deeply grateful for your generosity to this community, we cannot begin to thank you enough, there are no words except, THANK YOU.

    Once a Tripawd family, always a Tripawd family. Loki’s joined our crew at the Bridge, and you are forever a part of ours here on earth.

    xoxo and ((((hugs))) from your 3-legged family.

  4. Thank you so much. Your (((hugs))) are much needed and appreciated, and I’m sending so much love back to all of you. I’m at a loss for words these days, but your messages have been touching and we are comforted knowing we aren’t alone.

  5. benny55 says:

    Loki!!! I just came back on here to continue to cele your life and I saw your banner!!! It is sooooo you!! I know the fact that it popped up just now was your way of saying, “Heck yeah, I’m still here!”
    Pay attention because I know Loki is gp to connect with you in a Loki sort of way. However he communicates with you, it will be clear the bond you share is unbreakable and still exists.
    I just saw that you made another blog post, so I’m going to hop over there and continue to celebrate the life of oir beloved Loki. It like what Rene said about Loki being uoir destiny and his yours… true

    With love
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

  6. benny55 says:

    PS…thank you for your kind words. Here you are jn the middle of a grief that takes you to your knees and yoj find time to be so kind to others. ♥️♥️♥️

  7. I was fussing around with my blog’s appearance, the sizing of my pictures on this post, and updating the “All about me” section. I’m not sure if all my saves and edits show up like new posts to other people, but either way I’ve been trying to optimize the blog since it’s like a photo album of his last few years, always will have those memories saved here. It’s been so nice to reconnect to you and the Tripawds family.

  8. P.S. Loki must have come to see you directly, because I haven’t even seen his banner yet! I know he would share my sentiments and gratitude, too.

  9. paws120 says:

    Dear Loki and family,

    I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Loki is in great company now, and you gave him such a spectacular life. I read this earlier but just could not post. I am sending you huge hugs, I know this is a big loss for you.
    Know this, you guys were just pawsome pawrents. And I have no doubt your Loki is having a ball with all of our Angels above. That hailstorm was his way of saying he crossed the Bridge and he is on to meet new friends with a healthy, whole body.
    I bet he will show you more signs that he will forever be your guardian Angel.
    Jackie and Huck

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