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What a difference a month makes!

Posted on Thursday, August 17th, 2017 at 12:44 pm

I celebrated my one-month ampuversary on August 10th. I just know that Mommy and Daddy couldn’t be prouder of me! Weeks two to four brought dramatic changes for this Tripawd, and I am excited to share!

My hair is growing back.

Those itchy sutures and staples are gone.

Car rides don’t require a sling.

I’m not in pain! Now only taking Gabapentin 300mg and Carprofen 62.5mg with my breakfast and dinner.
My little brother is getting pushy again. He must know I feel better!

I roam the whole yard, and sometimes ask to go outside just so I can lounge in the sun!

I’ve started standing up for rides! My balance is better than ever!

I went for my first real walk in the park, and yes, I can run!Β 

Becoming a tripawd has really given me a second chance to feel young again! All that hard work and struggling my family went through has been worth it. I can’t wait to see what my future will bring!

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6 Responses to “What a difference a month makes!”

  1. Congratulations Loki! You look amazing and I am so happy to read this update. The pictures are great, what a cutie! What a difference a month makes! So good to see you up and about and rocking on three!
    Woo Hoo!
    ❀️Amy & Rusty

  2. Petra says:

    Loki! You’re Mum & Dad should be so very proud of you! You are doing so well!
    Super Stu! Is only one week ahead of you and doing incredibly well as well. Stewie will be writing his blog next week to celebrate his Top 10 Reasons For wanting To Become. A Tripawd! Feeling Young again is definitely in that Top 10 list!
    Keep us updated and keep playing hard Loki, it looks good on you!
    Sloppy kisses from StewieπŸ‘…πŸΎ
    & all the very best from his adoring pack! 🐾🐾🐾❀️

  3. izzysmomma says:

    YaY Loki! It’a amazing how quickly they recover. Izzy wore a t-shirt until her fur grew back (her furless brother couldn’t handle the incision, which was very visible given she was white) and I think that actually helped ME be less nervous in letting her find her way on three legs. This is a wonderful update – Go Loki!!

    Amy & my pretty pink angel, Izzy

  4. benny55 says:

    LOKI!!! LOKI!!!! HAPPY ONE MONTH PLUS AMPUVERSARY HANDSOME!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ And you are indeed, so very, very handsome!!

    And your incision looks wonderful! Cannot beIieve how fast your fur has grown back!

    This update and this DELIGHTFUL pictures of a very happy Loki is exactly why we do what we do! πŸ™‚ I love how you’ve chronicled his progress and how it really blossomed into the fourth and fifth week! Such an inspiration for anyone in the middle of recovery as they wonder if it will ever get better. Well, just ask Mr Loki…it DEFINITELY gets BETTER AND BETTER!!

    Just WONDERFUL to see how his sparkle has come back and to see how much he is enjoying his pain free life! You’re a ROCK STAR LOKI!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  5. otisandtess says:

    He looks great! Happy 1 month ampuversary!

  6. jerry says:

    Love it Loki! You look SO healthy and hoppy, we couldn’t be more thrilled for you and the pack. Thanks for the wonderful update.

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