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My love for Loki lives on through adoption

Posted on Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 at 1:45 pm

I really thought I’d updated everyone when I adopted Fizzgig back in 2021, but it seems at least I never made a blog post about it. For those who were around from 2017-2020, you’ll remember Loki, my heart dog and glorious tripawd. After he passed, I struggled so hard being so full of love for that boy and not being able to express it to him. Of course, I doted over the other animals, but there was just something about losing Loki that left a crater in my life. I realized that my heart, home, and routine were all set around having Loki there. I couldn’t bring him back, but I knew another dog was at a shelter needing all the things I was desperate to provide. And along came Fizzgig.

Fizzgig came from the local shelter and was released as a medical waiver for failure to thrive. He was SO skinny, and the shelter employees said they were concerned he was running out of time. I saw Loki’s spirit in his eyes the moment I met Fizzgig, and he immediately nestled into my shoulder for love. I knew that Loki would want Fizzgig to come home with me. Right away, he fit into the household routine, and so many of his mannerisms reminded me of Loki, from the way he sat and laid down to the way he interacted with Phineas… to the extent that I made those side-by-side collages (Fizzgig is on the left, and Loki on the right of course). I needed him, and he needed me. He has filled his big brothers shoes wonderfully, and has now blossomed into his own healthy, thriving doggo.

It’s now been over three years since Fizzgig came into my life, and approaching four years since Loki reclaimed his place in Valhalla. Callie, our beloved calico, and Chia, our goofiest mini horse, both joined Loki across the rainbow bridge. So much has changed, but my love for all of my animals, living and in memory, is still flourishing. Since then, Fizzgig has gained an absolute wild chaotic little/big sister named Olive (seen above in the middle at 9 months old!), who turns out to be more demon than dog but who Fizzgig adores beyond belief (and I love her to death, too). Phineas bosses them both around like the tiny boss he was born to be. We have two cats, Ciri, and Finch, who are both massive. Finchy had a feeding tube for awhile after I adopted him, but he’s thriving and extremely talkative now. He has the gentlest, most affectionate personality and I’ve even said that he’s almost like Loki reincarnated in cat form. He wants nothing more than to be held and loved. Ciri is practically a raccoon, perfect in every way. Figaro and Moo are also happy and healthy, demanding carrots and peppermints from us all day. Life is a constant whirlwind with this crew!

So of course, Loki’s spirit lives on in this house from stories of his gentle soul, to his portrait hanging in the living room, to the love I feel for him and all of his adopted siblings. I often tell my boyfriend what it was like to take Loki for walks and hikes compared to bringing our current three out and about. Just last week we saw a tripawd pittie at the park, and we ended up chatting with his human for awhile about how life works at such a different pace with them (and I can’t resist an excuse to interact with tripawds and their families!). We both agreed we’d do it all over again to give our dogs dignity and comfort hopping on three instead of limping on four!

I hope all of you are out there living your best lives with your tripawds, four-legged friends, and your human families. You all mean the world to me. With lots of love,

Brittnie, Fizzgig, Phineas, Olive, Finch, Ciri, Figaro, Moo, Spirit Loki, Spirit Callie, and Spirit Chia

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2 Responses to “My love for Loki lives on through adoption”

  1. jerry says:

    Wow Brittnie what a sweet way to start my day! The love in your heart for all your critters just leaps through my screen, you are such an amazing mom to them all. Loki is so proud of how you give each and every one the great life they so deserve.

    What fun getting to know your new cast of characters! Gotta admit as soon as I saw Olive I went ga-ga. Those EYES!! Clearly it’s that Husky in her that makes her such an adorable little demon.

    Best of all, getting to know Fizzgig is such a joy. Last night while reading your forum post I couldn’t recall if you had introduced him or not, and now I see that for sure you didn’t because I would remember his story. Talk about fate! Clearly Loki knew who he needed to be loved by and cared for. Thank you for following your instinct and bringing him home with you. I’m certain that every day he wakes up feeling gratitude for the life he has now.

    You are so amazing with all your furkids! I wish I could give them smooches and scritches, what a fun bunch! So you’ll have to do it for me. And just know that you ane Spirit Loki are always, always part of our community. His legacy lives on!!!

    P.S. I get goofy when I see a Tripawd too! I find any excuse to talke to their humans and get to meet the critter!

  2. Ahh I’m so happy to bring you some joy with the update on the menagerie! Olive’s eyes absolutely lured us in like a damn siren. She’s a wild girl and EVERYONE comments on how beautiful her eyes are. Just yesterday someone finally saw the crazy behind them and said, “wow those eyes! She… reminds me of the Walking Dead or something”. Made me laugh. I’m giving everyone lots of extra love on behalf of the Tripawds crew!

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